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How Chile Was Saved
var tittelen på en artikkel jeg fant på nettet. Den var svært interessant og dersom dens argumenter er korrekt, tyder det på at kuppet mot Allende ikke bare var moralsk, men også juridisk legitimt.
Du kan selv lese José Piñera sin artikkel How Chile Was Saved for å danne deg din egen oppfatning. José Piñera har jobbet for The Cato Institute og artikkelen er skrevet for The Objectivist Center. Kort oppsummert er poengene angående Allende som følger: Han ble valgt til president i 1970, med 36,6% av stemmene, og etter et valg i kongressen mellom de to kandidatene med flest stemmer. Hans styre mistet imidlertid sin demokratisk karakter gjennom gjentatte krenkelser av konstitusjonen. Det viktigste som skjedde var et vedtak i underhuset i den Chilenske kongressen 22. august 1973. Jeg gjengir fra artikkelen: "This agreement was approved by 81 to 47 votes, with all the deputies of the Christian Democratic Party (the party of former president Eduardo Frei Montalva) voting in favor. In this agreement, the chamber presented a list of twenty legal and constitutional violations of President Allende's government (including illegal detentions and torture), and it agreed to give information of this "grave breakdown of the legal and constitutional order of the Republic" to the Armed Forces, among other authorities, and to tell them that "by virtue of their function, of their oath to remain faithful to the Constitution and the law, . . . it is up to them to put immediate end to all the situations referred to above, which infringe the Constitution and the law." This demand of the elected legislature to the armed forces was, in fact, a call to forcibly remove the president, who had initiated the use of violence with the purpose of imposing a communist dictatorship." Jeg synes dette er spennende og i strid med hva vi vanligvis hører om kuppet i Chile. Jeg skal sjekke opp dette nærmere og skrive en artikkel om temaet som vil være ferdig på et uvisst tidspunkt i fremtiden...
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Fredag 12. Desember 2003, kl. 16.17
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"The State! Always and ever the government and its rulers and operators have been considered above the general moral law. ... The distinctive feature of libertarians is that they coolly and uncompromisingly apply the general moral law to people acting in their roles as members of the State apparatus. Libertarians make no exceptions. For centuries, the State (or more strictly, individuals acting in their roles as "members of the government") has cloaked its criminal activity in high-sounding rhetoric. For centuries the State has committed mass murder and called it "war"; then ennobled the mass slaughter that "war" involves. For centuries the State has enslaved people into its armed battalions and called it "conscription" in the "national service." For centuries the State has robbed people at bayonet point and called it "taxation." In fact, if you wish to know how libertarians regard the State and any of its acts, simply think of the State as a criminal band, and all of the libertarian attitudes will logically fall into place."
Murray N. Rothbard i For a New Liberty, s 46 |